Since I am going to conduct a fourth interview for my final project, there are a couple of thing in my interviewing process which I would like to change.
First off, I would like to change where we meet. Since all of my interviewees have been from Shoemaker Hall, I feel like meeting at the library is out of the way for most. This also makes sense because my final interviewee is also from Shoemaker Hall. I will meet my final interviewee on his floor’s lounge when he has some free time to give me.
Secondly, I am going to change the order of my questions to group the related topics to try to shorten the interview a little. In two of my last three interviews it seemed as though the same topics came up multiple times and lengthened the interviews in an unnecessary way. this will also shorten the transcription process hopefully.
Lastly, I feel that if I bring more food and drink than just a can of pop for my interviewees, they will open up more. This will aid the interview process greatly. The interviewee will share more, feel more comfortable and confident, and I will get those heartfelt stories that make you understand someone better and make the interview process worth the time and effort.
My interview will also contain the four necessary parts which include: Transcription, Country Report, Interview Process, and the Interview Personal Review. I will also touch on my changes that I will make in my Personal Review of the interview.
Library Book(s)
Long Story Bit By Bit Liberia Retold, Tim Hetherington, Umbrage Editions, New York, 2009
Library Book(s)
Long Story Bit By Bit Liberia Retold, Tim Hetherington, Umbrage Editions, New York, 2009
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